The Magic Sword

This is a short, simple game, primarily for children. It is not really a text game, as you do not input words. You can press the directions you wish to go (N, S, E, W, U, D), G to take an object, and I to check your inventory. There is nothing to examine. Puzzles are solved if you have the necessary objects.

The Wicked Witch, Bad Bertha, has locked Princess Poppy in the White Castle. Prince Fred tried to rescue her but Bad Bertha stole his sword and cast a spell on him. You have to find Prince Fred, then help him to rescue Princess Poppy by collecting Bad Bertha's magic objects to stop her from casting any more spells.

You begin outside a crooked house. E, E, G (book), N, W, N, G (plant), E, E, S, G (broomstick), N, W, W, S, S, W, S, E (you see a frog which is turned into a prince with the magic objects you collected), I (you have Fred), E, S (in the woods), W, W, G (glowworm), E, E, S, W (the glowworm lights the way), W, G (hat), E, E, N, E, S, G (star), N, N, N (the stick turns into a sword for Fred), I (you have Fred and a gleaming sword), E, N, N, G (key), E, S, S, S, W, S, E, G (ladder), W, N, E, N, N, N, E (by the well), D (you see a cat), G (cat), U (you climb up the ladder), W, S, S, E, U, S, U (you see a pink mouse; the black cat catches the mouse which becomes a white horse for Fred to rescue the princess), I (you have Fred, the sword, and the horse), W (in the Tower Room where Fred meets Poppy).

You are finished.

Terri Sheehan, 2007-11-27.

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