Introduction "This pack contains the Acornsoft Lisp system on ROM cartridge. Acornsoft Lisp for the Acorn Electron consists of 5.5K of machine code interpreter, plus 3K of initialised Lisp workspace containing utilities and constants which can be deleted to make extra space if not required. The system features a number of extensions to basic Lisp including PEEK, POKE, CALL and VDU, to provide easy interface with the Acorn Electron MOS and machine-code programs, improved interactive control structures using LOOP, WHILE and UNTIL functions, and disc input/output control functions. The 200-page manual "LISP on the BBC Microcomputer" is a complete guide to Acornsoft Lisp and is available separately. The manual includes a section on programming for the complete beginner, and contains useful program examples, including one which works out the best route between two towns on a map. LISP functions ADD1, AND, APPLY, ASSOC, ATOM, BLANK, CALL, CAR, CDR, CAAR, CADR, etc, CAAAR, CAADR, etc, CHARP, CHARS, CLOSE, COND, CONS, CR, CHARCOUNT, CHARACTER, DEFUN, DIFFERENCE, DOLLAR, EDIT, EOF, EQ, ERROR, ERRORCOUNT, ERRORSET, VAL, EXPLODE, FSUBRP, GET, GETCHAR, GREATERP, IMPLODE, LAMBDA, LESSP, LINEWIDTH, LIST, LISTP, LOAD, LOOP, LPAR, MAP, MAPC, MESSOFF, MESSON, MINUS, MINUSP, NIL, NOT, NULL, NUMBERP, OBLIST, ONEP, OPEN, OR, ORDINAL, PEEK, PERIOD, PLIST, PLUS, POKE, PRIN, PRINC, PRINT, PRINTC, PROGN, PUT, QUOTE, QUOTIENT, READ, READLINE, RECLAIM, REMAINDER, REMPROP, RPAR, RPLACA, RPLACD, *, SAVE, SEEK, SET, SETQ, SUB1, SUBRP, SPRINT, T, TIMES, UNDEFINED, UNTIL, VDU, WHILE, WRITE, WRITEO, XTAB, ZEROP. Contents LISP ROUTE-M (This file can only be loaded from within Lisp) Loading To load the demonstration image, which contains a Lisp program to work out the best route between towns on a map, type: (LOAD 'ROUTE-M) from within Lisp. You will now find that entering (FIND-ROUTE 'CAMBRIDGE 'OXFORD) will return a list giving the distance between the two cities, and the shortest route between them.