Introduction This superb sports simulation explores new territory in programming with a new sprite compression technique used for the first time to give you the very best in graphics display. Compete against the computer and the clock in 8 challenging sports events in search of the coveted world record - Weight Lifting, Cycling, Rowing, Running, Long Jump, Hammer, Swimming, Steeple Chase. Starting The Game Prior to the start of Event 1, the number of players and initials are entered. It is recommended that the tape counter is noted at the commencement of loading on this Event, so that tape can be rewound to this position when the final event Six Medallist screen is displayed. A High Score Table will be displayed at the end of each Heat. Events indicating proportional power require a slow initial rhythm on the Z/X keys building up to a maximum speed. Event 1. Hammer You start rowing slowly, increasing speed using above keys. After third revolution the Angle Meter will rapidly increase from zero upwards, hitting SPACE will stop the angle and launch the hammer. *   Proportional Power Game Controls Z and X - Increase Rotation, SPACE - Select Hammer/Start Throw Event 2. Swimming You swim over 200 metres (4 lengths) against the computer and the clock. You have control over the lower swimmer. The gauge indicates the amount of air in the swimmer's lungs, holding down SPACE will increase this amount but at the same time reduce your speed. *   Proportional Power Game Controls Z and X - Swimming Stroke, SPACE - Start/Breathe Event 3. Cycling You are shown a side and front view of your cyclist and an aerial view of the race track. An indicator on the power gauge will display the maximum possible speed for a particular bend; go too fast and....!! Another indicator on the track shows your current position. *   Proportional Power Game Controls Z and X - Increase Pedal Power Event 4. Running You race against the clock as well as a computer opponent over 400 metres. You control the bottom runner. Game Controls Z and X - Increase Leg Power Event 5. Long Jump At the end of run-up, hold down Space Bar; the take-off angle will increase until the Space Bar is released. Game Controls Z and X - Increase Leg Power, SPACE - Start Run/Take Off Angle Event 6. Steeplechase Run over 400 metres. When a hurdle approaches, hit SPACE to jump. This will also cause you to decelerate, therefore timing your jump correctly will result in a lesser drop in speed. *   Proportional Power Game Controls Z and X - Increase Leg Power, SPACE - Jump Event 7. Rowing Race against the computer and the clock. You control the two rowers by hitting each of the action keys in the sequence Z, X, <, >. The distance markers on the banks show metres remaining for each boat. Game Controls Z, X, <, > - Two Man Rowing Action, SPACE - Start Event 8. Weight Lifting You have two attempts at each weight. You must qualify at one weight to move to the next. There are five weight levels in all. As this is the last event, failure to qualify will result in a Game Over for that player. To continue game at end of Event, rewind tape to Event 1. *   Proportional Power Game Controls Z and X - Increase Lift Power