An interview with Dylan, Superior's new mystery programmer who has produced the top-selling Spycat and now the new release Barbarian.

Mark.How on earth did you get the name Dylan?
Dylan.Well, my mother was listening to the radio just after I was born and it was Bob Dylan's Baby Please Stop Crying.
Mark.Well, that dispels any rumours about you being a retired member of the cast of the Magic Roundabout.
Dylan.I certainly hope so!
Mark.Where did you get the idea for Spycat?
Dylan.I read a book by a certain MI5 agent who decided to Kiss and Tell.
Mark.Is it based closely on the book?
Dylan.Quite closely, but obviously it has been condensed.
Mark.Your new game Barbarian. Was it harder or easier to write?
Dylan.A little harder, mainly creamming all the features from the C64 version into less memory. I did manage it though.
Mark.Yes, I can see you have. It's an excellent conversion. What about the future? Can you give any clues to our members about your next project?
Dylan.Another for Superior but I cannot give the title. All I can say is that it is another conversion from a very successful game. All will be revealed in a couple of months.
Mark.Go on, tell me.
Dylan.Oh alright it's called XXXXXX you will not print that will you?
Mark.No, I'll black it out. Thanks a lot for talking to me.
Dylan.Boing, time for bed.
Mark.I'm confused.