When Ian sent us this game, the Impact offices came to an absolute halt. We all wanted to play it. But Ian had also put in his letter that he had sent the game to a number of software publishers so we had to act quickly.

The same day we received it we called him, made him a very substantial offer and managed to clinch the deal before someone else stepped in. We are now able to bring it to you at our super low prices which are less than half the price that any other company would charge for the game.

Zenon really is totally arcade action which is relentless from the second you start the game to the second you stop playing.

The game starts with a view of a large ship which beams you down to the surface. (If there are two players they both get beamed down together.) The ship leaves the scene and from that point you can fly, run and shoot as the hoards attack you.

All manner of unearthy beings and objects appear including missiles, meteors, androids, ships and so forth. Each has its own behaviour pattern and many spit laser bolts at you.

Of all the nasties the Terrapedes are probably the most impressive. They can be almost the width of the screen and a lot of points can be obtained for blasting all of the body sections.

Contact with any nasty or its laser shots damages your energy and when you lose all your energy you lose a life. Energy can be recovered by avoiding collisions for a while or by capturing energy calls when they appear.

Your initial weapon is a bit weedy. It fires repeated shots at a fairly slow rate but weapon cannisters appear and these can be collected to give you much more powerful equipment. The Machine Laser is the best and when two players both have these lasers they can clear screens with little effort.

This game is absolutely superb for gameplay and will enthrall players of all ages. It can be played with keyboard or joysticks and the one or two player option is a superb addition which is not available on any other game of this type.

Another excellent design feature which Ian has included is the automatic jump feature which takes you back to the start of your highest level when you get killed. And as the game has 250 levels that's a lot of playing without ever having to replay a completed level.

As with Clogger, the Electron version of Zenon looks and plays almost exactly like the BBC version. The only difference is that we can only use four colours instead of eight. These have been cleverly mixed to obtain the effect that there are more than four.

If you are sick of buying games that look great on the BBC and have a poor Electron conversion then try Impact Games. We believe the Electron is an excellent machine which is capable of great things. Zenon's author (and Clogger's) put a lot of work into producing the Electron versions. Try Zenon and see for yourself.