
By Will Watts

Originally published in EUG #12

Well, what a difference a few months can make, eh? Since my short piece expressing doubts about the future of EUG appeared in EUG #10, a lot has been happening to turn things around.

As most of you know, Derek Walker has been doing a fantastic job of keeping our records, mailing list and (limited!) finances in order, as well as working on his hardware projects and planning future articles for our disks. Does this man ever sleep?! You will also be pleased to hear that, due to his efficient management, no increase in subscription rates will be necessary for the time being.

At the end of January, we launched a massive mailshot aimed at winning back some of our lapsed members and, at the time of writing, the response seems to be very encouraging. If you are one of those people who has recently returned to the fold, welcome back!

More good news... We now have a new utility sub-editor in the person of Richard Dimond. What can I say about Richard? I think talented, modest, genial and a great asset is an accurate description. Richard is waiting to hear from any artists or programmers out there who would like to share their work with the rest of us. If he were writing this himself, Richard would probably stress that he doesn't consider himself to be an 'expert' but both novices and more advanced programmers (BASIC and 6502 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE) will definitely find him a stimulating and helpful contact.

Like the rest of us, Richard doesn't get paid for any work he does, so if you do contact him please include a stamped self-addressed envelope for any written reply, or for the prompt return of disks/tapes.

Still on the subject of the EUG 'team', our games' guru Christian Weber is feeling decidedly unloved and neglected, not having had a single letter from any of you in ages. He needs contacts more than ever these days, as he has been slaving over a steaming PC keyboard in a gloomy garret at Essex University since the end of last summer. I know you're not all game players first and foremost (Neither is Christian!) but any hints, tips, views or comments even vaguely related to Acorn computer entertainment will be very gratefully received if sent to him!

Remember to include a SSAE if you want a reply. (Penniless student!)

And finally, a few general reminders...

When your EUG disks are sent, the address label on the packaging gives details of your subscription in the bottom right-hand corner. When the final number reaches zero, please re-subscribe as soon as possible so that Derek can update the mailing list without having to send you a reminder through the post. Also, please make your cheques/POs for disks payable to 'D. Walker'.

I don't know if anyone is interested, but I am still able to supply copies of the first eight paper-based EUG magazines but for a limited period only! My friendly, one-off photocopying contact will not be available to do the work in a few months' time, so if you want any back issues, please order them now! The mags are £1.30 each - please state which issues you require and make your cheque or PO payable to 'W. Watts'.

This is also the address to send any submissions to which are not covered by one of our sub-editors mentioned above.


Will Watts
February 1994, EUG #12