Dungeon Adventure

By Jacob Gunness

Originally published in EUG #74
Your attempt to steal Baron Bloodlust's family silver has failed and you await your death in the castle dungeons. Of course, a clever adventurer could make his escape - and take the silver too.
Location Details Commands
at the west of a dungeon E
at the east of a dungeon EXAMINE PRISONER ("He looks even worse than you feel - in fact he is very sick and shaking with fever."), W
at the west of a dungeon CALL GUARD ("The guard unlocks the door and strides in. 'What do you want now, you nasty little thief? You'll be past wanting anything by this time tomorrow!'"), E ("The guard follows you suspiciously but then notices the sick prisoner. He bends over your ailing colleague and temporarily forgets about you.")
at the east of a dungeon W
at the west of a dungeon N
in a corridor lit by wooden torches E
inside the guardroom GET AXE, W
in a corridor lit by wooden torches N
on a spiral staircase hewn from ancient rock U
in a large baronial hall W
in a massive medieval kitchen OPEN CUPBOARD ("It may be locked or it may be stuck, but those wooden doors refuse to budge!"), BREAK CUPBOARD ("You smash the cupboard doors with the axe - you medieval vandal! The only reward is the discovery of a single object of no obvious use."), LOOK ("You see a carving knife"), GET KNIFE, E
in a large baronial hall S
in a courtyard S
inside the gatehouse BREAK AXE ("You smash the axe into the ground. The head flies off and disappears down a drain - forever."), GET HANDLE, INSERT HANDLE ("You insert the handle into the winch. It's rather a loose fit but it should do the job."), TURN WINCH ("You turn the handle and the old mechanism creaks into life, slowly lowering the drawbridge across the moat."), N
in a courtyard EXAMINE DRAINPIPE ("Made of hollow lead piping"), CUT DRAINPIPE ("You neatly slice through the pipe at the top and bottom and it falls to the floor."), GET DRAINPIPE, N
in a large baronial hall N
standing on the main staircase U ("The guard promptly arrests you and throws you back into the dungeon - what did you expect?!")
at the east end of a dungeon CUT GRILLE ("You hack away at the grille with an object in your possession and eventually make a hole large enough to pass through."), S ("You fall into the moat and you can't swim! Fortunately the top of the drainpipe stays clear of the water and enables you to breathe.")
in the moat U
on the path by the castle moat W
on a dusty track N
on the drawbridge N
inside the gatehouse N
in a courtyard N
in a large baronial hall N
on the main staircase U
in the upper hall at the top of the staircase W ("You spot Baron Bloodlust snoozing in his bedchamber and quickly draw back, trembling with fear.")
in the upper hall at the top of the staircase N
in Lady Bloodlust's bedchamber SLEEP ("You lie down on the bed and drift off into a fitful sleep. You are awakened by the thunderous crashing of heavy boots in the hall outside."), S
in the upper hall at the top of the staircase W
inside Baron Bloodlust's bedchamber GET SILVER, E
in the upper hall at the top of the staircase E
in the guest chamber MOVE CHEST ("You push the chest a couple of feet along the floor and discover a hidden entrance behind it."), N
inside the priest's hole DROP DRAINPIPE, GET HABIT, WEAR HABIT, S
in the guest chamber W
in the upper hall at the top of the staircase S
on the main staircase D
in a large baronial hall S
in a courtyard S
inside the gatehouse S
standing on the drawbridge S
on a dusty track S
on a path leading towards the village S ("Your disguise fools the guards and you walk out a free man. You are certainly wiser and - if you remembered the silver - you should be richer as well.")

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