This issue, we see the concluding part of the Spycat solution from David Humphreys, the never-ending Elixir solution, more on the Pipeline instructions and some cheats.
SPYCAT PART 4, Superior/Acornsoft
Stand on the pad (far right) and activate the Thru Permit. Enter through this door and collect the Air Ticket (to Greenland) and, if your energy is low, the Glucose Pill. Activate this to replenish energy. Then exit the room. Stand in front of the door (under the pad which you used to open the Thru Permit door) and pick up the Typewriter. Enter Thru Door 2 and carry on until you reach the train. Enter the train (in the usual way of opening a door) and you will arrive at Heathrow Airport. Stand on the pad and activate the Air Ticket. Hey presto! You've completed Spycat - congratulations! To all out there, happy spying!
ELIXIR PART 6, Superior/Acornsoft
Go left once more and left again. You should now be in the room where there is the vanishing cream. Make your way to the top of this screen and when you can see the vanishing cream jump onto it. Then quickly jump onto the toothbrush. Now go right.
You should now be in a room where there is the dark room keyhole showing. Go through this (You can do this because you are covered in oil but you will have to wash it off your feet!) and collect anything you may need from this room but be careful of the circularsaurus! Now go right and you should be in the room where there is a keyhole. Go through this keyhole. You will now be in a room where there is a magenta pill on one of the platforms. Now go left into the room where the vanishing cream is. Go down the thread. You should now be in the room which once contained the sharp pin.
Get onto the thread in this room like I told you earlier and then go down the other piece of thread. You should now be in the room where there is a hook in the top left hand corner. There also should be a piece of thread hanging down. Go down this piece of thread and go down the other piece of thread. You should now be in the room which once contained the magic bean (which has probably grown into a beanstalk by now!).
To load the Level Designer, type CHAIN"LEVDES" and press RETURN. To exit from the Level Designer, press the BREAK key. (My, how subtle!)
The flashing red cursor in the centre of the screen can be moved around using the Z, X, * and ? keys. Editing features are obtained on pull-up menus by using the following keys:
Menu Name | Function | Key |
Select | Block Selection | 1 |
Options | Level Options | 2 |
Files | Loading/Saving | 3 |
Help | Helpful Utilities | 4 |
To select an option from a menu, use the up and down cursor keys to highlight the option and RETURN. To exit from a menu press ESCAPE.
Block Selection
The following types of block are available from the SELECT menu:
Blank | Blank space |
SE Curve | Curved wall section, pointing south-east |
SW Curve | Curved wall section, pointing south-west |
NE Curve | Curved wall section, pointing north-east |
NW Curve | Curved wall section, pointing north-west |
Wall 1 | Solid wall section |
Wall 2 | Another solid wall section |
Collectable | Block which can be collected and scores 1 point |
Fatal Trap | Block which will kill the player |
S. Monster | Stationary monster which will kill the player |
Crate | Impassable block which can sometimes be pushed |
Marker | Impassable block, destroyed by a moving monster |
Horz. Pipe | Horizontal pipe section |
Vert. Pipe | Vertical pipe section |
Junction | Pipe junction |
Barricade | Impassable wall section, often used as a door |
Once you have selected a block and pressed RETURN, you place in anywhere on the map by moving the flashing red cursor to that location and pressing RETURN.
Horizontal pipes can only be entered from the east or west, and vertical pipes only from the north or south. If a pipe leads to a junction and there is a pipe leading away to the left, the player will turn left, otherwise the player will turn right or, if there is no left or right exit, will keep going forward. If the junction is completely isolated then the player will bounce back. More next time.
CAVEMAN CAPERS, Icon - Enter own no. of lives
>PAGE=&1900 >LOAD"CAVEMAN" >143END>RUN >LOAD"CAVE3" >57END >RUN >PAGE=&4000 >LOAD"CAVE4" >111END >RUN >?&1C69=x:REM x=Lives >GOTO 150

Load the game as normal. When the file UXB has finished loading, press ESCAPE and type:
>51LF%=4:REM Infinite Lives >52?&F00=x:REM x=Start levelNow type RUN and continue with loading. Note: At first the game will appear normal. As soon as you lose a life, the pokes will take effect.
Well, another issue goes by. How will Cyril be restored to his normal height? What will replace the Spycat solution? Will my typing ever improve? All these and more answered next time. Possibly...
Christian Weber, EUG #13