There are two versions of this program supplied; a Basic program and a short (under a page) machine code utility. Both do the same job, but the machine code is substantially faster. The Basic version is included as it would perhaps be easier to incorporate it into other programs. "U.BasPrev" is the Basic version and "Preview" is the machine code one running at &900. The source code is also included in "U.PrevSrc".
To use the Basic version, simply CHAIN it and enter the filename. To run the machine one one, the syntax required is:
*PREVIEW <fname>
Note that to do this you must first be in Mode 0, and if this is not the case you be simply get the message "Needs Mode 0". An error is also produced if no filename is present.
The program would be of use to those who have the STOP PRESS software but wish to examine clip-art without entering it, or simply those, like me, who do not have the software but have acquired the clip-art and wish to put it to some use!
Mr N. Mosson, EUG #19