Publisher: Adventure International
Compatibility: BBC B, B+, Master 128 & Acorn Electron
Reviewed by: Christian Weber
Originally published in EUG #07

Another Scott Adams adventure, this time from 1986. The parser and location descriptions are just as limited as with The Count, but is the game as good?

You are on a quest to find the golden idol left by a Major Johnston-Smythe when he died. The bad news is that other treasure hunters have tried to find the idol but were never seen again. Sounds ominous!

You start the game in a railway carriage which takes you to your destination. On departing the train you can find several items such as a key, a safe and other well-used text adventure objects. After a little wander I found a horrible, horrible thing ... a maze!

Why, why, why did adventure writers put these things in games? All they do is frustrate and/or put the player off! I can safely say that they do both for me, but for a fair review I persevered and made a little progress. I have to say that compared to The Count, Ten Little Indians lacked something.

It may have been that I just preferred the idea of being a vampire hunter to a treasure hunter but I think it is more the case that the puzzles in The Count and the lack of a maze improved the game no end. However, if you really like Scott Adams' games or the idea of being a treasure hunter and the thought of a maze doesn't make you feel ill then you should enjoy this one.

Again, at £3.99 (including P&P) you aren't taking much of a risk, as I am sure there is more to this game than I have found.