A Library of Routines from Acornsoft
This pack contains 36 graphics programs on cassette which will run on the Acorn Electron to produce a dazzling range of pictures including animated pictures, recursively-defined curves, and rotating three-dimensional shapes.
A full discussion of the principles involved plus program listings are given in the book "Creative Graphics on the BBC Microcomputer (available separately). You will be amazed to discover just how easy it is to produce really intricate designs, and will quickly learn how to design your own spectacular graphics programs.
CIRCLE1 | Circle Drawing | |
CIRCLE2 | Circle Drawing | |
CIRCLE3 | Circle Drawing | |
LISS1 | Lissajoux figure | |
LISS2 | Lissajoux pattern | |
WOOLBAL | Ball of wool | |
CARPET | Persian carpet | |
PATTERN | Pattern | |
FLAG | Union Jack | |
SKETCH | Sketch Pad | |
POLO | Mint | |
MOUNTS | Mountains | |
CUBES | Advancing cubes | |
SPHERE | Sphere | |
PLANET1 | Planets | |
PLANET2 | Character-defined planets | |
KALEIDO | Kaleidoscope | |
SPIRAL1 | Spiral | |
ROTSQ | Rotating squares | |
SPIRAL2 | Multicoloured spiral | |
ROTFAN | Rotating fan | |
BEACHBA | Beach balls | |
BOX | Tumbling box | |
CONDOR | Flight of the condor | |
PLANK | Plankton | |
RECDIA | Recursive diamonds | |
RECSQ | Recursive squares | |
CIRCLES | Circles | |
KOCH | Koch flake | |
C-CURVE | C-Curve | |
DRAGON | Dragon Curve | |
TREE | Asymmetric recursion | |
FIELD | Windy field | |
MERRYGO | Merry-go-round | |
RAINBOW | Rainbow | |
ISLAND | Desert island |
Loading Instructions
To load and run the programs, place the cassette in the cassette recorder, type, for example:
and press RETURN; the "Searching" message should appear on the screen as you do this. Now press the PLAY button on the cassette recorder and wait for the program to load. Each program will take less than one minute to load, assuming the cassette is wound on to the appropriate position.