The programs on this cassette are designed to be used in conjunction with the book How To Write Adventure Games for the BBC Microcomputer Model B and Acorn Electron by Peter Killworth.
Loading Instructions
To load and run CAVES, MINI and DATAGEN place the cassette in the cassette recorder, type, for example:
and press RETURN; the 'Searching' message should appear on the screen as you do this. Now press the PLAY button on the cassette recorder and wait for the program to load.
ROMAN can be loaded as above but before it is CHAINed it will need to be located at PAGE=&1100 on account of memory requirements. Once loaded, the adventure starts with a 'story so far' message and you will be asked to "Type the filename"; to start from the initial position type INIT and to start from a SAVEd position type the relevant saved filename.
SHELL is a multi-purpose 'shell' adventuring program and is provided for use when compiling any adventure. To load SHELL use the LOAD command, type
and press RETURN; the 'Searching' message should appear on the screen as you do this. Now press the PLAY button on the cassette recorder and wait for the program to load.
Refer to the book How To Write Adventure Games for the BBC Microcomputer Model B and Acorn Electron (available separately) for full details of the programs on this cassette.