A superb simulation of the highly popular pub game. This program offers one or two player option, top or bottom spin and smooth realistic ball movement. A must for all sports fans.
The points awarded for potting a ball are as shown below: (N.B. Potting a red ball gives double-points).
- Potting a ball in a pocket at the end of the table gives from top to bottom; 10, 20, 30, 20 and 10 points.
- Potting a ball in the centrally position 'Red Peg' pocket gives 100 points.
- Potting a ball in either of the outside 'Red Peg' pockets gives 50 points.
- Potting a ball in the 'Black Peg' pocket gives 200 points.
Foul Strokes
- Black Peg is knocked over - present total score is lost.
- Red Peg is knocked over - current break is lost.
- Cue ball fails to make contact with another - current break is lost
- Any ball that returns past the end line - any points that may have been scored with that shot are lost.
Special Points
- If all the balls are on the table then the ball nearest the end line will be used as the cue ball.
- A built in time limit of 15 minutes is set for each game.
Game Controls
The game can be played with the following controls:
For cue ball direction:
Z - Left, X - Right, : - Up, / - Down, Space - Shoot
T - Shoot with top spin, B - Shoot with bottom spin
Cursor keys - Move cue ball in 'D'
S - Sound, Q - Quiet, ESCAPE - Abandon game