Fight to become the WORLD CHAMPION!
All the moves... Punches, Body Blows, Upper Cuts, Knockouts. Even Fouls like Groin Punches, Kicks and Head Butts!
Game Objective
Defeat each boxer over 15 rounds or within five lives.
Two player mode: play against a friend.
One player mode: play against six (computer-controlled) opponents. Beat all six to become world champion. Then defend your title against even tougher opponents!
Lives remaining are shown in the top corners, inside pictures of the men. The colour of the picture tells you if it's safe to foul your opponent without being seen by the ref. Red - little chance. Amber - maybe Green - good chance.
Normally, you use the legal punches. A knockout brings you to the end of the round (not the whole fight).
When the boxers get far too close they go into a hold and cross sides of the ring. If this is repeated a player may lose a life.
Game Controls
Quit Game | 0 |
Start One Player Game | 1 |
Start Two Player Game | 2 |
Joystick/Keyboard Selection Player 1 | 3 |
Joystick/Keyboard Selection Player 2 | 4 |
Pause On/Off | 5 |
Crowd On/Off | 6 |
Sound FX On/Off | 7 |
On the Electron version, either the First-Byte interface (FBJ) or the Plus 1 interface (JOY) may be used for joystick control.
Joystick Positions
Moves marked with * are foul moves.
Moves are for a right-facing character.
Moves are reversed for a left-facing character.
Keyboard Options