Semi-professional compilations from Electron User Group
Best Known Game: EUG #75
Number of titles released by this publisher: 75
Number of titles currently available: 74
Archive Status: Incomplete

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st June 2000

EUG #0

Review by Electron User Group

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1. Electron Exchange Ad 
2. A To Z Of Elk Software 1 
3. Eight Things To Do With An Electron 
4. In This Issue 
5. Public Domain 01 
6. The Bit At The Back (TBATB) 
7. The Bit At The Front (TBATF) 
8. Will's Welcome 
9. EUG Needs You Demo 
10. Programmer's Challenge 
11. Letters 
12. EUG Logo 
13. Digitised EUG #0 Paper Cover 
14. Know Your Starsign Pic 
15. Pint-sized Yoda Pic 
16. Music Programs 
17. User Defined CHR$ v1 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st September 1991

EUG #1

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1. Pres Catalogue 
2. Slogger Catalogue 
3. Software Bargains/Mercury Games 
4. A To Z Of Elk Software 2 
5. Bits And Pieces 
6. Infect Your Elk 
7. Music/Sound 
8. Printer Survey 
9. Public Domain 
10. Repton Ramblings 
11. Saving Memory Direct 
12. The Electron Interface 
13. Wheelie Terwiffick Demo 
14. Circuit Communication 
15. Complaint! 
16. Cover Disks And Tapes 
17. Electron In Education 
18. Filling The Gap 
19. Let Us Out! 
20. Naught For Assembly 
21. Observing The Crowd 
22. Celsius To Fahrenheit Converter 
23. Crossword #1 
24. Text File Saver 
25. User Defined CHR$ v2 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st November 1991

EUG #2

Review by Electron User Group

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1. EUG Needs You Demo 
2. Click 
3. Superior Software Prices 
4. Electron Workshop 
5. Hack Attack 
6. Wonderful World Of The Computer 01 
7. Using View With Tape 01 
8. Trouble Shooting 
9. Mysterious Listing Demo 
10. An Elk With Nine Lives 
11. False Claims? 
12. Gizmo And Co. Strike Again 
13. Poets' Corner 
14. What Price An Electron? 
15. EUG Snowman 
16. Music 5000 
17. Play It Again Sam 16 
18. Crossword 
19. Crossword Solution (EUG #1) 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st February 1992

EUG #3

Review by Electron User Group

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1. Electron Exchange Ads 
2. BBC ROM Compatibility 
3. Elk Entertainment 01 
4. Hints And Tips 
5. More Ideas 
6. Using The Assembler Language 01 
7. Using View With Tape 02 
8. Croaker 
9. Ghouls 
10. Wordscore 
11. Answers Please! 
12. Breaking The Rule 
13. Bring Back Electron User! 
14. Four Points To Ponder 
15. ROM Info Required 
16. That Watford ROM 
17. The Elk: A Minor Classic! 
18. The Versatile Elk 
19. Workshop Worries 
20. EUG Superelk 
21. The Dream Machine 
22. Hobgoblin 2 
23. Spitfire '40 
24. Stop Press 64 
25. Crossword Solution (EUG #2) 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st May 1992

EUG #4

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1. Atlantis Catalogue 
2. An Alternative Driver 
3. Elk Entertainment 02 
4. Helpful Hints 
5. Me And My Printer 
6. Using The Assembler Language 02 
7. Hobgoblin 
8. Book Info Wanted 
9. Boot Bargain 01 
10. Boot Bargain 02 
11. Dot Dot Dot Dash Dash Dash 
12. Help For "Thickies" 
13. Label Suggestion 
14. Still North Of The Border 
15. What's Wrong? 
16. EUG A5 Format 
17. Clipart Slideshow 01 
18. Will Watts Art Slideshow #1 
19. Balloon Buster 
20. Mode 7 Mk 2 
21. The Last Ninja #1 
22. *TAPE intercept 
23. Keytone 
24. Print Speed Tester 
25. Unlocker 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st June 1992

EUG #5

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1. Beginner's Guide To The Electron 1 
2. Electron PD Update 
3. Elk Entertainment 03 
4. Printer Switch 01 
5. Re-inking Ribbons 
6. The Supply Addresses 
7. Using The Assembler Language 03 
8. View Printer Driver Letters 
9. Wonderful World Of The Computer 02 
10. Anarchy Zone 
11. Hostages 
12. Pipe Mania 
13. A Waste Of Paper And Ink 
14. Beyond Repair? 
15. Cheap RAM 
16. Desperately Seeking Software 
17. Faster Sorting 
18. Fonts 'N' Roms 
19. Messing About On The River 
20. Multiple Printouts With View 
21. One Track Minds 
22. Read Any Good Books Lately? 
23. Support Needed For PD 
24. Tape Tips 
25. What The 'Eck Is *EXEC? 
26. EUG Cake 
27. Will Watts Art Slideshow #2 
28. The Last Ninja #2 
29. Drawsave 
30. Mini-Maxi-Map 
31. Viewsort 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st September 1992

EUG #6

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1. New Products And Suppliers 
2. Beginner's Guide To The Electron 2 
3. Educational Software 
4. Elk Entertainment 04 
5. No Mess Re-Inking 
6. Printer Switch 02 
7. Sideways RAM 
8. Solinet 
9. Using The Assembler Language 04 
10. View Multi-Prints 01 
11. View Multi-Prints 02 
12. Workshop Observations 
13. Using View With Tape 03 
14. Bonecruncher 
15. Octavia 
16. Orbital 
17. Rally Driver 
18. A Misunderstanding? 
19. Adventure Seeker 
20. Bell, Book And Cambridge 
21. Checksums 
22. Contacts Made 
23. Drive You Crazy! 
24. Elk To PC? 
25. EUG Hits New Zealand 
26. Gridlocks In The Mist 
27. Looking After the £££s 
28. Lost Locos 
29. RX Questions And Answers 
30. Say It With An Elk 
31. Tapes And Disks 
32. Vote Of Thanks 
33. EUG Media 
34. Will Watts Art Slideshow #3 
35. Starspell 
36. The Wheel Of Fortune 
37. View Multi-Printing 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st December 1992

EUG #7

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1. Classified Ads 
2. A Change For Slogger 
3. Competition Time 
4. Elk Entertainment 05 
5. Hard Facts 
6. How To Check The Tape Head Alignment 
7. How To Print At Full Speed 
8. Tape Troubles 
9. The Contacts Column 
10. The Great Printer Code Mystery 
11. Using The Assembler Language 05 
12. Wonderful World Of The Computer 03 
13. Stock Market 
14. Disk Debate 
15. Helping Hands 
16. Incompatible Upgrades 
17. Jafa, AP2, HD, RX 
18. JD Speaks Out 
19. Spot The Loony! 
20. The "Human" Elk 
21. The Best Of Both Worlds 
22. Snow-Covered EUG Logo 
23. HeadFirst PD Disks 
24. Ten Little Indians 
25. The Count 
26. Elixir #1 
27. The Last Ninja 2 #1 
28. File Unlocker 
29. Memory Searcher 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st February 1993

EUG #8

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1. Competition Declared A Flop! 
2. Desktop Publishing 
3. Elk Entertainment 06 
4. Get More Out Of View 
5. It's All Change 
6. Quickies 
7. This And That 
8. Using The Assembler Language 06 
9. Alphatron 
10. Bumble Bee 
11. And Elk Will Speak To PC 
12. Appalling Slogger 
13. HeadFirst Errors 
14. Mind Your Language #1 
15. Mind Your Language #2 
16. Pascal Problems And Parallel Printers 
17. Some More Of Will's Greatest Mistakes 
18. EUG "All Change" Elk 
19. Clipart Slideshow 02 
20. Something To Say About The Elk 
21. Elixir #2 
22. The Last Ninja 2 #2 
23. Ausafky 
24. Drivgen 
25. Tape To Disk 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st May 1993

EUG #9

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1. Elk Entertainment 07 
2. Globe Demo 
3. Mornington Crescent 
4. "Speedy" Elk 
5. A3000 Limitations 
6. A3000 Unlimited 
7. Alternative Alternative 
8. Chadders Says "Yo!" 
9. Printer Problems 
10. The Winner! 
11. Unlocking SWRAM 
12. Archimedes Digpics Slideshow 
13. Psycastria 
14. Yie Ar Kung Fu 
15. Keylist 
17. Variable List 
18. View !BOOT Program 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st August 1993

EUG #10

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1. Elk Entertainment 08 
2. Using The Assembler Language 07 
3. New Text File Disk 
4. Kamakazi 
5. Percy Penguin 
6. Positron 
7. Using The Assembler Language Demos 
8. !BOOTing View 
9. Adapted Unlocker 
10. Could Be Better 
11. Hard Disks Revisited 
12. Kiwi Compliments 
13. Notewriter To Elk 
14. Plus 1 Conversion 
15. Show Disappointment 
16. Sim City Sorted 
17. Elixir #3 
18. Spycat #1 
19. Conductivity 
20. Electron Memory Map Screens 
21. Mode 0 Screen Dump 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st November 1993

EUG #11

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1. Independently Produced Accessories 
2. Electron User Index 1 
3. Elk Entertainment 09 
4. Pipeline Graphic Designer 01 
5. Future Shock 
6. Gunsmoke 
7. Last Of The Free 
8. Ski Slalom 
9. Addressing A Problem 
10. Any Advance On Eighty? 
11. D. I. Y. Desk 
12. Deutsch Database 
13. Gareth's Gripes 
14. Honoured Helper 
15. Roaming Through The ROMs 
16. EUG Postal Label 
17. Elixir #4 
18. Spycat #2 
19. EUG Title Printer 
20. Film Show #1 
21. FN/PROC Lister 
22. Label Lister 
23. Multi-Mode Screen Dump 
24. Ping! Virus Simulator 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st February 1994

EUG #12

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1. Electron User Index 2 
2. Elk Entertainment 10 
3. News 
4. The Upgraders: Alec Miles 
5. Pipeline Graphic Designer 02 
6. 32Bit Group For Suffolk 
7. D. I. Y. Hardware 
8. Stretch Your Text 
9. Transplant Surgery 
10. Moss PD Supplier Review 
11. Elixir #5 
12. Spycat #3 
13. Cutout Viewer (SP64-type) 
14. Electron Datalink 
15. EUG Screen Dumps 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st May 1994

EUG #13

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1. Electron User Index 3 
2. Elk Entertainment 11 
3. It's Competition Time! 
4. The Upgraders: Del Williams 
5. Word Square Competition 
6. Handing Over 
7. Pipeline Graphic Designer 03 
8. Caveman Capers 
9. Danger UXB 
10. Acorn Show Report 
11. Looking For Germans 
12. Re-Ink-Carnation 
13. Superior's Games Bonanza 
14. Where Have All The Letters Gone? 
15. Elixir #6 
16. Spycat #4 
17. ASC, VDU, CHR$ Codes 
18. Colour Information 
19. Film Show #2 
20. INKEY Negative Values 
21. SP64 Screen Icon Stripper 
22. Token Values 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st July 1994

EUG #14

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1. Help Wanted 
2. Electron User Index 4 
3. Elk Entertainment 12 
4. Goodbye... And Hello! 
5. Gus' Editorial 01 
6. Loading And Saving ROMs 
7. Taking The Reins 
8. Pipeline Graphic Designer 04 
9. 3D Dotty 
10. Survivors 
11. Thunderstruck 
12. My Electron 
13. Name Please 
14. Packing Disks 
15. Valuable Disk Space 
16. Arrow Of Death Part 1 
17. Elixir #7 
18. A-Z Address Database 
19. Cutout Maker 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st August 1994

EUG #15

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1. Spinning Frustration 
2. Radium 
3. Adventure International 
4. HeadFirst PD 
5. Gus' Editorial 02 
6. Exile Helpsheet 
7. Practical Ideas 
8. Which Home Computer? 
9. Guardian 
10. Shark 
11. Vertigo 
12. Feed The Frog 
13. Horse 
14. All In Denial 
15. Blu Thru EUG Adverts 
16. Boys With Toys 
17. Desert Island Books 
18. EUG On CDFS Format 
19. Let's Talk Elk 
20. Under Pressure 
21. EUG Logo In Perspective 
22. Buster Bunny 
23. Fox Cub 
24. Indian Chief 
25. Imogen 
26. Blue Background 
27. Diagram 
28. Disk To Tape Copier 
29. Hyperball Screen Designer 
30. Radium (Enhanced Version) 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st October 1994

EUG #16

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1. Elk Entertainment 13 
2. Gus' Editorial 03 
3. Hard Drive Extension 
4. Rowing And Steering 
5. Which Home Computers? Reply 
6. Exile #1 
7. Rally v2.00 
8. Feuding EUG 
9. All My Ideas 
10. Printers, Ribbons And Info 
11. Re:! 
12. Bigtext 
13. New Keyboard Diagram 
14. Diagram v2.00 
15. Diagram Screen Printer 
16. Viewcheck 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st December 1994

EUG #17

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1. Jafa Systems Catalogue 
2. Soft Options Catalogue 
3. Adding A SHIFT LOCK And TAB 
4. Game Show 01 Overview 
5. Gus' Editorial 04 
6. Exile #2 
7. Beleagured Castle v1.0 
8. Boxspace 
9. Santa's Slip-Up 
10. Monitor Wanted 
11. No Problems But Tape 
12. Suppliers' Good Service 
13. View In Sideways RAM 
14. Win The Lottery 
15. Wonderful EUG 
16. Tuneful Falling Snow On House 
17. 3D Text 
18. Coder 
19. Crunched Xmas Screens 
20. Custom Calendar 
21. Dwroms 
22. Servalan Picture 
23. Sounds Exciting Database 
24. View Menu 
25. Win The Lottery #1 
26. Win The Lottery #2 
27. Exile: The Rock Problem 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st February 1995

EUG #18

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1. Gus' Editorial 05 
2. Using The Assembler 01 
3. Exile #3 
4. Electron PD Returns 
5. Using The Assembler 01 Demo 
6. Defective Disks And Multi-Copies 
7. Everything's Going Wrong 
8. I Know Nothing! 
9. Leaving Exile 
10. Pass That Protection 
11. Destructive Dot 
12. Autostereogram Creator 
13. Compression Techniques 
14. Convert Boofont Fonts 
15. Convert Pepperwell Fonts 
16. Elkpaint v2.00 
17. Large Text 
18. Screen Dump 
19. Tape File Unlocker 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st April 1995

EUG #19

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1. Moss PD 
2. ADFS: An Introduction 
3. Exile - A Short Cut 
4. Game Show 02 Overview 
5. Gus' Editorial 06 
6. New Telephone Codes 
7. Using Elks And BBCs 
8. Using The Assembler 02 
9. Alphabet Chaser 
10. Block Blitz 
11. Corroded Contacts 
12. Drive Configuration 
13. Really Getting Going 
14. Tetris Addiction 
15. Trying My Patience 
16. Yellow Haze 
17. Conversation 
18. Atomic Quiz 
19. Atomic Theory 
20. AMX Clipart Viewer 
21. Autostereogram Answer 
22. Barred Font 
23. Character Definer 
24. Corners Font 
25. Crooked Font 
26. Mode 0 Definition Converter 
27. Pixel Mapper Menu 
28. Pixel Mapper Source Code 
29. Save Protection v2.00 
30. Tape To Disk 
31. Stop Press 64 Clipart Viewer 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st June 1995

EUG #20

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1. AP4's Static RAM 
2. Game Show 03 Overview 
3. Gus' Editorial 07 
4. Programming Tips 
5. Using The Assembler 03 
6. Viewing Memory 
7. Alphabet Chaser 2 
8. Mastermind 
9. Zombies 
10. Any Answers? 
11. Job Lots Of Stuff 
12. Narrowboat "White Swan" 
13. Not Around My Elk! 
14. Not Transferring 
15. PC-Style Elk Stack? 
16. Plus 1 Problems 
17. View Macro Plea 
18. View Printing Plea 
19. 3D Perspective Rotating 
20. Exotic Girls Slideshow #1 
21. Save Protection For DFS 
22. Times Table 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Companion Disc To Magazine Of Same Name

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st August 1995

EUG #21

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1. Teletext CTRL Codes 
2. Assembler Program 1 
3. Break Protection 
4. Filer 
5. Gus' Editorial 08 
6. The Rules 
7. Using The Assembler 04 
8. Chuckie Egg 
9. Hyperball 
10. Network 
11. Omega Orb 
12. Pandemonium 
13. Skirmish 
14. Animation: Dancing Fern Demo 
15. Animation: Pendulums Demo 
16. Animation: Sierpinski Gasket Demo 
17. Animation: Surreal Scape Demo 
18. Animation: Trig Demo 
19. Astermene 
20. Beleagured Castle v2.0 
21. Blox 
22. Oxo 
23. Puzzle 
24. Simon 
25. Contact Details 
26. Everything You Wanted To Know 
27. Master RAM Board Compatibility 
28. Re: Game Show 
29. R.G.B...? 
30. The Mick Comley Files 
31. Your Mistakes 
32. Electron From Hell 
33. DFS E00 & ABR 
34. EUG Boxes Blipping 
35. Exotic Girls Slideshow #2 
36. Auckland Acorn User Show 1995 
37. MegaBuffer 256 
40. Cheque Account 
41. EU/MU Magazine Index 
42. Exile Mapper 
43. Invisible !BOOT 
44. More Save Protection 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st October 1995

EUG #22

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1. Squares 
2. EUG Screen Documentation 
3. Gus' Editorial 09 
4. Save Protection 
5. Tips On Computer Problems 
6. Using The Assembler 05 
7. Superelk 
8. Rubik's Cube 
9. Too Weird Electron 
10. Babb Feeds Back 
11. Basic From View 
12. Beebug Issue Trade 
13. Do Pres Care? 
14. HeadFirst Closing Down 
15. More Disk Problems 
16. Seduced...! 
17. Suspended Electrons 
18. Watford Troubles 
19. No Place Like Home Text 
20. Rom List 
21. Save Protection For ADFS & DFS 
22. Stripper 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Utilities; Mode 7 Emulation

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st December 1995

EUG #23

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1. Mode 7 Screen Display 
2. Elkfax 
3. Mode 7 Emulator 
4. KeySaver 
5. Screen Converter 
6. Mr. Miner 
7. Tennis 
8. 8 Bit Software (8BS) Advert 
9. Disk Bites Dust! 
10. Game Show 04 Overview 
11. Gus' Editorial 10 
12. Using The Assembler 06 
13. Knights 
14. Digressions 
15. EUG Not Printing 
16. Flying High 
17. Further Notes On Rombox+ Problems 
18. More From HeadFirst 
19. My Serial Disk Drive 
20. Open The Debate 
21. Slogger And 8Bit Feeback 
22. Christmas Tree 
23. Circuit Design 
24. Mr. Miner Maze Loader 
25. Periodic Table Viewsheet File 
26. Solar System Compression 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st February 1996

EUG #24

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1. Assembly Adventure Game 
2. Basic Programming Tutorial 
3. Gus' Editorial 11 
4. ROMs and ROM Images 
5. Secret 8 Bytes Of Memory 
6. The PC Problem 
7. Touch-Sensitive Electronics 
8. Using Click 
9. Using The Assembler 07 
10. Yet Another Disk Bites The Dust 
11. Any Help With The AP4? 
12. BBC/Elk Problems 
13. Boats And Screens 
14. EUG #23 Pointers 
15. New Contacts 
16. Putting Sheet Into View 
17. Screen Saving 
18. 2 8BS (8 Bit Software) Disks 
19. ADFS E00 
20. Mode 0 Screen Editor v1 
21. New Icons For Circuit Design 
22. Scrolling Mode 7 Routines (M7 Adaptor) 
23. Sorting Utilities 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st April 1996

EUG #25

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1. Elephants 
2. Gus' Editorial 12 
3. Modifications To Games For Master Users 
4. More On ROMs 
5. The Mondex Card 
6. Help Required 
7. Waking Up 
8. Wiring That Rombox 
9. Flashing Double-Height CHR$ 
10. ADFS DD Disk Editor 
11. Eprom Emulator 
12. Master Series Battery Backup 
13. Printer Code Setter 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st June 1996

EUG #26

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1. Introducing Sprow 
2. Gus' Editorial 13 
3. Repton 5 (Repton Infinity Datafiles) 
4. Space Golf 
5. An Excess Of Questions 
6. Anagram Utility? 
7. Back In Touch 
8. Having My Say 
9. Plugs All Over 
10. EUG Neon-Lit 
11. Cwdir 
12. Function Key Strip Printer 
13. Morse 
14. Repton Infinity Files Disk-Tape Transfer 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st August 1996

EUG #27

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1. Addcomm ROM And Its Features 
2. BBC/Elk Monitor Lead 
3. Gus' Editorial 14 
4. Mitac 3027F Notebook Computer 
5. Bubble Jet And PC 
6. Car Boot Sale Sagas 
7. More On Drive PSUs 
8. Re: Readers' Enquiries 
9. What's Been Going On 
10. Y2K Click! Problems 
11. EUG #27 Multi-Coloured Dotted 
12. 27K Assembler 
13. ADFS DD Partioner 
14. Autorom 
15. Mousey v1.00 (Serial Mouse) 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st October 1996

EUG #28

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1. A Drive More Modern 
2. Acornsoft Hints: ADFS User Guide 
3. Acornsoft Hints: Electron User Guide 
4. Acornsoft Hints: View 
5. Acornsoft Hints: Viewstore 
6. Acornsoft Hints: *FX Calls And Joystick 
7. Gus' Editorial 15 
8. Thrust Hacking Tips 
9. Bounce 
10. Laser Darts 
11. Advanced With The Mitac 
12. Ever Impressive Acorn 
13. General Bits 
14. Newsworthy Item 
15. Not Purely Random 
16. Postage Compensation 
17. Stifled Dialogue 
18. EUG Expanding/Shrinking 
19. Disk Examine 
20. Leap Year Catalogue 
21. Mousey v2.00 (Serial Mouse) 
22. Tracker Disassembler 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st December 1996

EUG #29

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1. 78Rpm Records 
2. Acorn Downunder 
3. Acornsoft Hints: Electron Cartridge Interface 
4. Gus' Editorial 16 
5. Jafa Simulator ROMs 
6. What Type Of Computers In The 21st Century? 
7. Scroll Routines Demo 
8. Answers To Questions 
9. Cop The Lot 
10. EUG #28 Feedback 
11. Leap Years And The Millennium 
12. Still Print Probs 
13. EUG Vertical Rainbow Scroller 
14. Cop The Lot (Lottery) 
15. Decimal/Fraction Converter 
16. Mandelbrot 
17. Mousey v3.00 (Serial Mouse) 
18. Multi-Colour Mode 
19. Scroll Routines 
20. Snapit 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st February 1997

EUG #30

Review by Electron User Group Solution by Electron User Group

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1. Sprow Catalogue 
2. Acornsoft Hints: Expanding The Elk 
3. Acornsoft Hints: Losing The Top Line? 
4. Acornsoft Hints: Plus 1 Disabler 
5. Gus' Editorial 17 
6. Modern Electronics Manual 
7. Controlling A Printer From Basic 
8. Shipwrecked Video Review
9. Brain Tumour Drama 
10. Improved ROM Loader 
11. More On Leaping 
12. The Voice Of Del 
13. Small Spinning EUGs 
14. Findnos (Lottery) 
15. Leap Year 
16. Lottery 
17. Sample Form 
18. Winedit 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st April 1997

EUG #31

Download Download

1. Gus' Editorial 18 
2. Catch The Letter 
3. Star Trek 
4. Another Poser 
5. Lads From Liverpool 
6. Whirlpool 
7. BBC Slower Owner 
8. DFS Disk Partitioner 
9. List Of Useful Procedures 
10. Tracker M/C Disassembler (ROM Version) 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st June 1997

EUG #32

Download Download

1. Gus' Editorial 19 
2. Have A Heart 
3. More Pleading 
4. Plus 2 Problems 
5. Why No Feedback, Folks? 
6. Welcome To EUG Fade-In 
7. Newspaper Round Manager 
8. Sound Envelope Editor 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Text Adventure

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st August 1997

EUG #33

Download Download

1. Acorn Adventure 
2. Under The Volcano 
3. AMX Cutouts To RISC OS Sprites 
4. Gus' Editorial 20 
5. Article Delayed 
6. BBC Lottery Downloader 
7. Beg, Borrow Or Steal 
8. Better Late Or Never 
9. Learning Experience 
10. News From Down Under 
11. Lightning Strikes EUG 
12. Disabler Project 
13. Mode 0 Screen Editor v2 
14. Room Planner 
15. Shipwrecked Map Printer 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st October 1997

EUG #34

Download Download

1. Gus' Rantings 21 
2. Breakdown 
3. Wallaby Wrestling Federation 
4. Home For Econet? 
5. In Praise Of Alban Hall 
6. Scary Century Beckoning 
7. The Digital Camera Revolution 
8. Scrolling Squares Horizon 
9. Glenn Gets Hacked 
10. ADFS & DFS Disk Examiners 
11. Breakdown Editor 
12. Music 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st December 1997

EUG #35

Review by Electron User Group Solution by Electron User Group

Download Download

1. Gus' Editorial 22 
2. Hard Disk Information Collation 
3. Programming Techniques 01: Program Design 
4. Shipwrecked 2: Jupiter III 
5. Adding My Own Ramblings 
6. Opener And Errors 
7. Tuneful Falling Snow On Church 
8. Wave-across Backdrop EUG 
9. Archimedes Compatibility Tools 
10. Screen Saver 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
French Tutor

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st February 1998

EUG #36

Download Download

1. Micro French 
2. Gus' Editorial 23 
3. Programming Techniques 02: Graphics 
4. Banging The Table 
5. Database Problems 
6. Digital Camera 
7. The End Is Nigh 
8. Limerick & Smiley Face 
9. Shipwrecked 2 Jupiter 3 Video Review
10. Barcode Scanner 
12. Shipwrecked 2 Jupiter 3 Printer 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Card Game

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st April 1998

EUG #37

Download Download

1. Sir Nathaniel's Saving Game Video Review
2. Gus' Editorial 24 
3. Hiding Basic Code 
4. System Wadgebury 
5. A New Menu System 
6. Digitised Pictures 
7. History Of Sir Nathaniel's Saving Game 
8. The Future's PC 
9. Whatever Happened To... 
10. "Jigsaw" Father Ted With Music 
11. John Crane's Family Slideshow 
12. Basic Database 
13. Sideways RAM Address Database 
14. Warp Drive Disassembler 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
French Tutor

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st June 1998

EUG #38

Download Download

1. Micro French 
2. Gus' Editorial 25 
3. Looking At The View 
4. Programming Techniques 03: Screen Memory 
5. Hunchback 
6. EUG Feedback 
7. !Amxcon To Risc OS Sprites 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st August 1998

EUG #39

Download Download

1. Spare Master Cartridges 
2. Gus' Editorial 26 
3. Programming Techniques 04: Using Basic 
4. Programming Techniques: Bat And Ball Demo 
5. Programming Techniques: Colour UDG Editor 
6. Programming Techniques: Walking Demo 
7. Monsters' Gold 
8. Leaving The Fold 
9. More Than A Blackout 
10. Quick Letter 
11. Recent Goings On 
12. Submitting Text To EUG 
13. Thanks EUG! 
14. Pure BBC Video Grabbing Slideshow 
15. 12Bit DAC 
16. Pure BBC Video Grabbing 
17. Temperature 
18. Wordcount 
19. Wordwrapping In Assembler 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st October 1998

EUG #40

Download Download

1. Gus' Editorial 27 
2. How EUG Disks Work 
3. Alien Blaster 
4. Black Holes 
5. Duck Shoot 
6. Micro Mouse 
7. Pro-Golf 
8. Prettyprint Project 
9. Send It In! 
10. Tape Replacement Therapy 
11. The Beginning Of The End 
12. The New Zealand Story 
13. South Park Picture 
14. Code8 Source Code 
15. Planets 
16. Prettyprint ROM 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st December 1998

EUG #41

Download Download

1. A New Column 
2. Furby Is Fantastic 
3. Gus' Editorial 28 
4. Knocking The Gates 01 
5. Knocking The Gates 02 
6. Acorn Electron In Concert Music Demo 
7. 3D Oxo 
8. Jigsaw v1.1 
9. Data Teleportation 
10. Printing And PD 
11. Servalan (Digitised) 
12. "Jigsaw" First Puzzle 
13. "Jigsaw" Laundry Cancelled 
14. Acorn Set-Up (Digitized) 
15. Garfield 
16. Will Watts (Digitised) 
17. Advanced CAD Package 
18. Alarm 
19. Banking 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st February 1999

EUG #42

Download Download

1. Urdi 
2. Gus' Editorial 29 
3. Knocking The Gates 
4. Bargain Of The Year 
5. Recycling Ribbons 
6. Electron (Digitised) 
7. Furby 
8. ASCEdit 
9. Ramdump 
10. Romsave 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Utility; Typing Tutor

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st January 1984

EUG #43/44

Download Download

1. Microtype 
2. Idiot's Delight Patience 
3. Gus' Editorial 30 
4. Knocking The Gates #1 
5. PC Books 
6. Knocking The Gates #2 
7. The Artificial Singularity 
8. Jason Mason 
9. Quarters 
10. Acorn Electron Haven 
11. Confused? You Will Be 
12. Machine Code Lottery 
13. Own Up Rolf Paoli 
14. Where's Our Web Site? 
15. Worst EUG Screen Ever 
16. Elk In Archimedes Project 
17. Lottery Checker 
18. Printer Driver 
19. Super Trace 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Arcade; Two Player Only

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st September 1999

EUG #45

Download Download

1. Dogfight: For Aces Only Video Review
2. Zarch Imitator Demo 
3. Robocop Demo 
4. Oozeman 
5. Vortex 
6. Gardenquest 
7. How To Review 
8. Letter Dropper Virus News 
9. Unreleased Games And Demos 
10. Virtual Fish Demo 
11. Bazzasoft Filing System 2.34 Upgrade 
12. Big Letters 
13. Fibonacci Wallpaper 
14. Perspective Font Demo 
15. City Bomber 
16. Scorpion Patience 
17. Left Waiting 
18. Possible Solutions 
19. Still Skipping 
20. EUG Bigtext With Persian Effect 
21. 6502z80 Magazine #1 
22. Insomnia 
23. Nitemare Park 
24. Adventureland 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Text Adventure

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st November 1999

EUG #46

Download Download

1. Super Agent Flint 
2. The Staff Of Law 
3. Galadriel In Distress 
4. Tower Of Hanoi Patience 
5. Exterminator 
6. Dilthithium Station Zero 
7. Dynamite 
8. Jigsaw v2.3 
9. Jigsaw Editor 
10. Master Waters 
11. Sitting Target 
12. Disk Problems 2000 
13. Duos 
14. Tres 
15. Morisato From Oh My Goddess 
16. "Jigsaw" Father Ted 
17. "Jigsaw" Garfield EUG #48 
18. "Jigsaw" Jigsaw Logo 
19. "Jigsaw" Shin Angel 
20. I Spy Red 
21. Omnipoly 
22. Pres Games Disc 1 
23. Hampstead 
24. Pirate Adventure 
25. Fonts (Bubfont, Elkfont and Jswfont) 
26. Lottery Predictor 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Text Adventure

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st January 2000

EUG #47

Download Download

1. Reluctant Hero 
2. Contacts Section 
3. News And The Internet 
4. Prize Competition 
5. EUG Menu System 
6. Ghostbusters Demo 
7. Balloon Fun 
8. Banana Drama 
9. Quadrix 
10. Space Pods v1.1 
11. Face Off Slideshow 
12. Ewgeebez 
13. Pres Games Disc 2 
14. Pres Games Disc 3 
15. Weetabix Versus The Titchies 
16. Gremlins 
17. Secret Mission 
18. AAUG Logo Displayer 
19. Electron User Screen 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st February 2000

EUG #48

Download Download

1. Find The Ace 
2. Easy Adventure 
3. Competition Winner 
4. Invaders Demo 
5. Volcano Demo 
6. HeadFirst Speaks From The Shadows 
7. Make Your Mind Up! 
8. Pres' Protection Sussed 
9. Imagine Ripped Screens Slideshow 
10. Aeronautical Dogfight 2 
11. Kissin' Kousins 
12. Pres Games Disc 4 
13. Proaction The Farce 
14. Circus 
15. Perseus And Andromeda 
16. Voodoo Castle 
17. Alarm Sounder 
18. LCD Display Hardware 
19. Morse Code Sounder 
20. Screen Saver/Restorer 
21. Shadow RAM Database 
22. Unzip 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st March 2000

EUG #49

Download Download

1. Bones Demo 
2. General Appeal For Submissions 
3. Assembly Language From Scratch 
4. Disk Deprotection #1 
5. Disk Deprotection #2 
6. Jet Set Willy Walker Demo 
7. Maths In Motion Demo 
8. Anthill 
9. Leapfrog 
10. Snake 
11. Snakes And Ladders: Action 
12. Snakes And Ladders: Standard 
13. EUG #48 Feedback 
14. Something About Me 
15. Still More Improvements 
16. Cold Striding Edge Landscape 
17. Lion 
18. Statue 
19. Eliminator 
20. Nursery Rhymes 
21. Pres Games Disc 5 
22. Waxworks 
23. CMOS Ram 
24. LongFS 
25. Relocn 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Headbutt Bombs

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st April 2000

EUG #50

Download Download

1. Nutter 
2. Magic Square 
3. Disk Deprotection #3 
4. Electron User Collecting 
5. Black Hole Patience 
6. Frogling 
7. Solitaire 
8. Congratulations, EUG! 
9. Editor's Reunion: Gus 
10. Editor's Reunion: Will 
11. Funny Bones 
12. Oops! 
13. Order Your Boards 
14. Solidarity For A BBC Owner 
15. Still Running? 
16. Wrong Format Disk 
17. Toy Story Style Aliens 
18. Electron Music Disc 
19. Pettigrew's Diary 
20. Pres Games Disc 6 
21. Add-Address Utility 
22. Bbc Address Bus Diagrams 
23. Create-Address 
24. RamFS Upgrade 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Companion Disc To Book Of Same Name

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st June 2000

EUG #51

Download Download

1. Coffee Adventure 
2. The Rules Are Changing 
3. Characters Demo 
4. Tipperary Music Demo 
5. Parachute 
6. Racechase 
7. Snake 2: Tadpole 
8. Feedback To The Future 
9. Help! 
10. Infinity And Beyond 
11. A Question Of Style 
12. Patience Revamped 
13. EUG Fills The Screen 
14. Boxer 
15. Classic Arcade Games 
16. Elbug Introductory Disc 
17. EUG #0/#1 Disk 
18. Strange Odyssey 
19. Crossword On BBC/Electron Games 
20. Service ROM Header 
21. Brain Wave Demo 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Text Adventure

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st July 2000

EUG #52

Download Download

1. Super Gran - The Adventure 
2. Antique Freak 
3. Bombhunt 
4. Authordashed! 
5. Brainteasers 01 
6. Repton Infinity Passwords 
7. Sunday's Secrets Revealed 
8. Good Night Folks Demo 
9. Fruit Machine 
10. Patience Suite 
11. Streets Ahead Patience 
12. Utilities And Agreement 
13. Fox And Chicken Stamp 
14. Clown 
15. Erotic Shin Angel 
16. Mickey Mouse 
17. Worm 
18. Microvalue 1 
19. Mystery Of The Java Star 
20. XLCR 
21. Mystery Fun House 
22. Brainteasers: Hexagon 
23. Brainteasers: Safecracker 
24. LISTO8 
25. Stamp Style Border 
26. Sunday Game Position Saver 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Strategy; Compilation Of Brainteasing Puzzles

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st August 2000

EUG #53

Download Download

1. A-MAZE-ing 
2. Spot The Difference 
3. House: It's Quite Good Really 
4. Brainteasers 02 
5. Faster Programming Using Indirection Operators 
6. The Big Squeeze #1 
7. The Big Squeeze #2 
8. ECJ Simulation Demo 
9. Magic Letter 
10. Magic Number 
11. South Park Dancing Cartman Demo 
12. Jetcar 
13. Pyramid Patience 
14. Come Back And Contribute Something 
15. Fix The Shipwreck 
16. Rotating Balls 
17. Bubble Bobble Theme 
18. Microvalue 2 
19. House - It's Quite Good Really 
20. Play Your Cards Right 
21. Dracula Island 
22. Pyramid Of Doom 
23. Text Compression 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Strategy; Educational

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st October 2000

EUG #54

Download Download

1. Sir Francis Drake 
2. Brainteasers 03 
3. Connecting A Z88 To An Electron 
4. Designing Adventure Puzzles 
5. The Biggest Adams Mystery Of All! 
6. Dave E Speaks Out 
7. Benny Hill Demo 
8. Creative Assembler Shoot-'Em-Up Demo 
9. Championship Boxing 
10. Patience Suite v2 
11. Search And Rescue 
12. Supersonic Snail Racing 
13. Improving Picture Printouts 
14. New Dog, Old Tricks 
15. Street's Compatible 
16. Try These Two, Raymond 
17. Updates And Utilities 
18. Falling & Fizzing TVs 
19. Battlezone Six 
20. Countdown To Doom 
21. Amstrad PCW16 
22. Spy Snatcher 
23. Ghost Town 
24. Birds And Beasts Answer Back File 
25. Brainteasers: Relations 
26. Creative Assembler Sprite Designer 
27. Synchronised Music/Words 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Text Adventure

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st December 2000

EUG #55

Download Download

1. Castle Of The Skull Lord 
2. Bones 2: Day And Night Demo 
3. The Sea Queen 
4. Basic ROM Routines 
5. Brainteasers 04 
6. Exile Runes Demo 
7. Bomber Command 
8. Codeword 
9. Eternity 
10. Powerball 
11. Et Tu Readers? 
12. Dear EUG 
13. "Jigsaw" EUG Logo 
14. Girl At Radio Microphone 
15. Thomas The Tank Engine 
16. Bar Billiards 
17. EUG #2 On Disk 
18. Spectipede 
19. Whoopsy 
20. Brainteasers: Don't Paint The Cat 
21. Brainteasers: Name The Graph 
22. HeadFirst Disk Copying Utilities 
23. Scrolling Stars 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Text Adventure

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st February 2001

EUG #56

Download Download

1. Woodbury End Video Review
2. Colditz Adventure 
3. Mad Island 
4. Ready-Made RamFS Boards 
5. Acorn Electron Feature 
6. Brainteasers 05 
7. Will It Change Your Life? 
8. Compressed Pictures 
9. The Joseph Lavery Collection 
10. Handel Demo 
11. Russian Roulette Demo 
12. Pac 2000 
13. Tug Of War 
14. Finalising ElectrEm 
15. Immaturity Overload 
16. Licking Whoopsy 
17. Not Paying Enough Attention 
18. Proaction's Legacy 
19. Sideways RAM Under Emulation 
20. Pen-Down Writing EUG 
21. Works Of Art 
22. Brainteasers 
23. Collections Of Clipart 
24. Flint Strikes Back 
25. 2M/8M RAM Disk Board With 24bBC Bus 
26. 2nd Serial Port Manual 
27. Brainteasers: Odd One Out 
28. Brainteasers: Pattern Pairs 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Platform Game

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st April 2001

EUG #57

Download Download

1. Harebrain 
2. On The Way To The Interview 
3. Brainteasers 06 
4. Husband 1.0 - A Real Flop 
5. Mr. Ugly Demo 
6. Mummy Demo 
7. Struthiomimus Demo 
8. Trench Demo 
9. Massive Missive 
10. Slow Emulation Problems 
11. B&W Garfields 
12. Happy New Year 
13. EUG #3 On Disk 
14. Tactic 
15. Uggie's Garden 
16. Video Classics 
17. Escape From Pulsar Seven 
18. The Stolen Lamp 
19. 3D Editor 
20. Brainteasers: Close Encounters 
21. Brainteasers: What's Yours? 
22. Rambo 
23. Sexy Girl 
24. Sunset 
25. Tiger 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Overhead Maze

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st May 2001

EUG #58

Download Download

1. Goldminer 
2. The Argument Sketch Video Review
3. Dungeon Level 99 
4. Island Of Secrets 
5. Planet Of Muton 
6. Brainteasers 07 
7. Citadel Tips 
8. Electron User Adventure Columns Index 
9. Elk Entertainment 14 
10. HeadFirst PD Appeal 
11. Blagger 
12. Centibug 
13. Crystal Castles 
14. Disc Not Disk 
15. Re: Slow Emulation Problems 
16. RGB Splitter Answer 
17. Serial Port Card Service 
18. Exploding Fireworks 
19. "Jigsaw" HeadFirst PD Logo 
20. Motorbike Rider 
21. Microball 
22. Micro Power Magic 2 
23. Moon Buggy 
24. Best Of PCW Software For The Electron 
25. The Eye Of Zolton 
26. 2nd Serial Port Project 
27. Brainteasers: Detective 
28. Brainteasers: Whodunnit 
29. Bruce Lee 
30. Dog & Lamp 
31. Flowers 
32. Knight & Sword 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st July 2001

EUG #59

Download Download

1. Savage Island Part 1 
2. Haunted House 
3. The Mystery Of Silver Mountain 
4. The Case Of The Missing Adventure 
5. Brainteasers 08 
6. eBay And The Idiots 
7. Elk Entertainment 15 
8. Perception Of Value 
9. Qman 
10. Space Blaster 
11. Disc Debate 
12. For The Good Times 
13. The Bell Tolls For EUG 
14. Andy Capp By The Bar 
15. The Bayley Slideshow 
16. Adventure Games For The Electron 
17. Electron Programs 
18. How To Use Your Computer 
19. Sunday 
20. Savage Island Part 1 
21. Rick Hanson 
22. Brainteasers: Concentration Test 
23. Brainteasers: Sequence Countdown 
24. Electron User Menu System 
25. Filldemo 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st September 2001

EUG #60

Download Download

1. Dracula's Castle 
2. Latest Sprow Projects 
3. Brainteasers 09 
4. Computers Of Yesteryear 
5. Fireworks 
6. Operating Systems 01 
7. Operating Systems 02 
8. Don't Be Dead 
9. Anecdotal A&Bs 
10. Disc: The Last Word 
11. Re: Reviews 
12. Uncertain Future 
13. "Mosaic" New Zealand Story 
14. "Jigsaw" Eternity Puzzle 
15. "Jigsaw" Ghostbusters 2 Logo 
16. "Jigsaw" Goldeneye N64 Cart 
17. "Jigsaw" Kaori From Akira 
18. Electron Joystick Interface 
19. Moonbase Beta 
20. Sound Expansion Cartridge 
21. The Viking Collection 
22. Savage Island Part 2 
23. Brainteasers: Statspainter 
24. Brainteasers: Wire Maze 
25. Disassembler 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Music Demo

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st November 2001

EUG #61

Download Download

1. Music Machine 1: Blaze Away March 
2. Musical Snowmen Megademo 
3. Yossa Demo 
4. Father Christmas' Crackers 
5. Automaton Revisited 1 
6. Brainteasers 10 
7. Envelope Engineer 01 
8. Operating Systems 03 
9. Chaos Demo 
10. Parallax Stars Demo 
11. Smarty Berty 
12. Tapeworm 
13. Quit While Ahead 
14. Jigsaw Chunky Electron 
15. A&B Computing 3.01 
16. Exile (ADFS Disc) 
17. Jet Set Willy PC 
18. Rhetoric #17 
19. Golden Voyage 
20. Automaton 
21. Brainteasers: Fraction Chaser 
22. Brainteasers: Saints And Sinners 
23. Clock Request 
24. Envelope Engineer #1 
25. Word Counter 
26. NST Badges Demo 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st January 2002

EUG #62

Download Download

1. Automaton Revisited 2 
2. Elk Entertainment 16 
3. Envelope Engineer 02 
4. EUG From Cradle To Grave 
5. The Very Last Straw 
6. They're Only Sleeping 
7. Moon Raider 
8. Swoop 
9. Eagle's Wing Patience 
10. Hurles 
11. Luna Zone 
12. Mower 
13. Overdrive 2002 
14. Patience Suite v3 
15. Shields 
16. Clock Takes Its Time 
17. The Appeal Of Elk On BBC 
18. The Eagle Has Landed 
19. Sleeping Tiny Toons 
20. Sorceror Of Claymorgue Castle 
21. Autofib 
22. DumpCli 
23. Envelope Engineer #2 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Colourful Overhead Maze Game

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st July 2003

EUG #63

Solution by Electron User Group

Download Download

1. Plig Video Review
2. EUG Returns 
3. EUG #63 Opener Explained 
4. Emulation: The Benefits 
5. Gunsmoke: Pain Beyond The Level Barrier 
6. Technology Time Forgot: The Acorn Electron 
7. Stan Music Demo 
8. County Quiz 
9. Breaking The Silence 
10. Remember Me? 
11. Pebbles-To-Center EUG 
12. "Jigsaw" Kansas Sleeve 
13. Jigsaw Robocop 
14. Screwball 
15. Maniac Mower 
16. The Four Wands 
17. The Magic Sword 
18. Extra Colours 
19. Proportionally Spaced Text 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Sliding Blocks

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st January 2004

EUG #64

Download Download

1. Picture Slide 
2. Emulation: Acorn & Risc PCs 
3. Repton 
4. Bun Fun 
5. PC Arcadians 
6. Retro The Making Of Special 
7. Cross Mode & Double Height Sprites 
8. LineIt & CharIt 
9. Mini Fonts 
10. Pattern Generator 
11. Fox And Geese Stamp 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st January 2005

EUG #65

Download Download

1. Beating Tape Protection 
2. Brainteasers #11 
3. eBay: More Calls To Your Solicitor Needed 
4. Emulation: MakeUef & FDC 
5. Emulation: ElectrEm 
6. Emulation: BBC Explorer 
7. Emulation: PPM2BBC 
8. Golden Jubilee Music Demo 
9. Seapink Music Demo 
10. Repton Under The Oceans 
11. Acornsoft German Editions Disc 01 
12. Merlin M2105 
13. Stop Press 64 Collection 
14. Weenies 
15. Star Drifter 
16. The Time Machine 
17. Eurovision Scoreboard 
18. Music Processor 
19. English Phoneme Quiz 
20. Namco Classic Games 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Educational; Tests Prepositions

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st January 2006

EUG #66

Download Download

1. Adventurous English Video Review
2. Pipe Loonacy Video Review
3. Charlie Chan 
4. 3D Pool Video Review
5. Rockrun 
6. EUG Retrospective 
7. From Not So Tiny Acorns 
8. From Scart To Finish 
9. The Best Games 
10. What's It Worth 
11. You're Alan Partridge Demo 
12. Connect Four 
13. Squiggle Video Review
14. A Piece Of Pie 
15. Acorn Programs 01 
16. Crack Up 
17. Gunfighter 
18. Classic Gaming Expo 2005 
19. Voxbox 
20. Munchman 
21. Electron User 5.08 
22. Lutius Project 
23. Egghead In Space 
24. Plan B 
25. Magnetic Moon 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Companion Disc To Magazine Of Same Name

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st January 2007

EUG #67


1. Battleships 
2. DIY Screens 
3. Elite 
4. Menus That Grab And Bite 
5. Micro Mart Article 
6. That Was The Year That Was: 2006 
7. The Way Of The Exploding Fist 
8. BBC PD Menu Demo 
9. R-Type Alien 
10. Acorn Programs 02 
11. Five Star Games 
12. Aabatron 
13. Software From Poland 
14. SAS Squad Games 
15. Daniel Pugh's Music Demo World 
16. Electron GoMMC 
17. To Hell In A Hamper 
18. Image2BBC 
19. Danosoft Collection 
20. Terrormolinos 
21. Twin Kingdom Valley 
22. BBC PD Menu Creation Utility 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Demo; Spiral/Scrolling Text

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st January 2008

EUG #68


1. Vortex Demo 
2. White Magic Screens 
3. Omniscient Video Review
4. Crystal Castle 
5. Exile 
6. Tetris 
7. That Was The Year That Was: 2007 
8. Weird Dreams WIP 
9. Coverart Slideshow 
10. The Search For Sanity 
11. The Ale Of The North 
12. Nightworld 
13. Tarzan Boy 
14. Strip Poker 2 
15. Acorn Programs 03 
16. PD Games 001 
17. Cassette 50 
18. The Kaori Cel Experiment 
19. Retro North 2007 
20. Shanghai Warriors 
21. Black Widow 2 
22. Centipede Clones 
23. 40 Educational Games For The Electron 
24. Kayleth 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st January 2009

EUG #69


1. That Was The Year That Was: 2008 
2. The AEW DVD 
3. The Games Page 
4. The Stuff Of Dreams 
5. Acorn Badge Demo 
6. Halloween 3 Demo 
7. Airline 
8. Laserchess 
9. Magic Mushrooms Revisited 
10. Paradroids 
11. Ultimate Nightmare 
12. World Domination Adventure 
13. Ice Age Acorn 
14. Crazy Tracer 
15. Firebug 
16. Jet Set Willy 2 
17. Hulk 
18. Acorn Programs 04 
19. Computer Gamer Collection 
20. The Ferryman Awaits 
21. The Boy With The Digital Heart 
22. The Golden Baton 
23. The Nine Dancers 
24. Wizard Of Akyrz 
25. Wychwood 
26. Retro Software Loader 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Demo; Music & Interrupt Scrolling

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st March 2010

EUG #70


1. Moscow Demo 
2. Supreme 
3. Cliffhanger Video Review
4. Trainiac Video Review
5. That Was The Year That Was: 2009 
6. Headache Demo 
7. Chuckie Egg Alternative Levels 
8. Rock Pile Video Review
9. Jurassic Park Style 
10. Take Off With The Electron And BBC Micro 
11. Hell Hole 
12. Pantheon 
13. Castle Assault 
14. Das Schloss 
15. Games For Your Acorn Electron 
16. Retribution X 
17. Barbarian 2 
18. Micro Men 
19. Loony Loco 
20. Computer And Video Games Collection 
21. The Hunt 
22. Block Move 
23. Leanne 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Demo; Graphical Slideshow And Podcast

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
16th April 2010

EUG #71


1. The Ricky Gervais Show Video Review
2. Jump Jet Assault 
3. Mr. Spock's Hacking Tips 
4. The Making Of Exile 
5. Bed Bugs (Hacking Tips #1) 
6. Birdstrike (Hacking Tips #2) 
7. Boulderdash (Hacking Tips #3) 
8. Bug Eyes 2 (Hacking Tips #4) 
9. Chip Buster (Hacking Tips #5) 
10. Fantasia Diamond (Hacking Tips #6) 
11. Galaforce 2 (Hacking Tips #7) 
12. Impossible Mission (Hacking Tips #8) 
13. Indoor Sports (Hacking Tips #9) 
14. Mikie (Hacking Tips #10) 
15. Way Of The Exploding Fist (Hacking Tips #11) 
16. Xor (Hacking Tips #12) 
17. Yie Ar Kung Fu (Hacking Tips #13) 
18. Loading Locked Files 
19. EUG Morph Demo 
20. The 8BS Demo 
21. The Marbles Demo 
22. Evil Invaders 
23. Octagram 
24. Human Skeleton Quiz 
25. Licence To Kill 
26. Start Programming With The Electron 
27. Assorted Demos 03 
28. The Sicksoft Collection 
29. 8BS Web Site 
30. Personal Computer Games Collection 
31. Electron User 7.04 
32. Graphisme Et Sons Sur Electron 
33. Gorph 
34. BBC Micro Wargaming 
35. The Lost Crystal 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Collection of Demos

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
30th October 2010

EUG #72


1. The Master Of Your Old School 
2. Drunken Dan 
3. Tanks Video Review
4. Charlie Chan 
5. Spooks And A 16K Spectrum 
6. Top Twelve BBC Music Demos 
7. Rainbow Islands Theme 
8. Space Shuttle 
9. Dominoes 
10. Saw 
11. PD Games 011 
12. Freeway Frog 
13. Fruit Worm 
14. Grand Prix 
15. Hold Up 
16. King Burger 
17. Krazy John 
18. Loona Rescue 
19. Editavenue 
20. Icarus 
21. Blood Of The Mutineers 
22. Enthar Seven 
23. Sadim Castle 
24. Realm Of Chaos 
25. 64K Screen Loader 
26. Hedkandi Picture 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Arcade; BASIC Game

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
20th December 2010

EUG #73


1. Chimney Drop 
2. Snow Vaders 
3. Repton The Lost Realms: Artwork 
4. Repton The Lost Realms: Loader 
5. Repton The Lost Realms: Main Game 
6. That Was The Year That Was: 2010 
7. Batman Theme 
8. Castle Of Nightmares Video Review
9. Santa's Sleigh 
10. Electron User 4.03 
11. Your Computer 03.11 
12. Santa's Delivery 
13. Repton The Lost Realms 
14. PCW Games Collection 
15. Where Is Father Christmas? 
16. Father Christmas And Rudolphs Nose 
17. Electron User 5.03 
18. Elbug 02 
19. American Suds 
20. Castle Of Riddles 
21. Suds 
22. The Rising Of Salandra 
23. Fantasia Diamond 
24. Hedkandi Girls 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):
Arcade; Overhead Maze Game

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
31st December 2011

EUG #74


1. Jungle Journey Video Review
2. MazezaM Video Review
3. Pac Mania Theme 
4. Dingbat 
5. Pheenix 
6. That Was The Year That Was: 2011 
7. Back In The Day Demo 
8. Juggle 
9. Turkey Flag 
10. Yo Mama 
11. Atari Heaven 
12. Hedkandi Picture 
13. Amnesia 
14. Qbix 
15. Space Ranger 
16. Joey 
17. In Da 80's 2011 
18. Hard Hat Harry 
19. Jungle Journey 
20. Mazezam 
21. Tarzan 
22. The Living Body 
23. Dodgy Geezers 
24. Dungeon Adventure 
25. In Search Of Atahaulpa 
26. Starship Quest 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links:

Game Type(s):

Game Author(s):

Release Date:
1st January 1970

EUG #75


1. That Was The Years That Were: 2012 & 2013 
2. Acorn Electron World: The Revolution 
3. Paranoid 
4. Palace Of Magic 
5. Stryker's Run 
6. 55 Bbc Micro Books 
7. Mountain Panic 
8. Retroaction #001 
9. The Ultimate Prize 
10. Dreamtime 
11. Burano 
12. Lord Sugar 

Stated Compatibility:

Original Release Format(s):
5.25" Disc

Other Links: