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Jonathan Partington, Jon Thackray & David Seal

Cover Art





About The Author...
Jon Thackray first encountered adventure games in 1978 while studying for his PhD at Cambridge, and started writing his own game soon after.

In 1982, he joined Acorn Computers and started looking at putting adventure games onto micros in his spare time. He has maintained a keen interest in adventure games ever since, both single and multi-use, and is now an Arch-wizard on the British Telecom multi-user dungeon.

About The Adventure...
A mysterious body, known only as The Ruling Council of Acheton, has issued the following challenge to sentinent life-forms everywhere:

"We hereby challenge the greatest adventurers in the known universe to uncover the dread secrets of our realm.

"Acheton is no ordinary land. Although explorers are welcome, you may find that Death is the only reward. Deeds of heroic valour will be required, and feats of intellect that Newton and Einstein would have boggled at. Understanding of the arcane science known as Magic will be mandatory...

"For the successful adventurer, the rewards will be great: riches immense, power supernatural, and the knowledge that you have succeeded where others have failed...

"Good luck - you will need it!

Signed and Sealed in the four thousand and twenty-seventh year of the Reign of Yelka-Dekklm TV. May his Dread Majesty live forever!"

GAME SIZE: Expansive, with a wide range and a very high standard of problems.
RATING: A real challenge.

On-line Help

Acheton comes with on-line help which you get into by typing HELP (RETURN). The program will halt and wait for you to type in a number so that it knows which 'hint' you want. You therefore need to know which numbers refer to which hints. Pages 2-4 of this Hint Sheet contain a series of questions that players typically ask, like 'What do I do in the enchanted forest?' Various 'key words' have been deleted from these questions - making it harder to accidentally see the solutions to other questions - and are reproduced below. The numbers alongside the words refer to the questions. The number that follows each question is the number to key for that particular hint. Good luck!

ALCHEMIST          224   GARGOYLES           45   PYRAMID            155
ALCOVE               2   GATE                46   QUICKSAND          156
ALTAR          3,51,83   GIANT    47,70,104,231   REEF           157,174
BACK DOOR         4,52   GLADIATOR           48   REMBRANDT PORTRAIT 158
BALROG            5,53   GLASS            49,71   ROCKFALLS          159
BARRIER              6   GLOWING             50   ROCKS              160
BIRD                 7   GNOME            72,91   SAFE   161,175,205,220
BLACK FLAG           8   GREENHOUSE          73   SAIL               162
BLACK MAGIC          9   HABERGEON        74,92   SALVER             163
BLEI AMEDI          10   HADES            75,93   SCENT              164
BOOK/S           11,84   HALL MIRRORS 76,94,105   SCYLLA     165,176,182
BOTTLES             12   HANDWRITING         77   SEA            166,177
BRIDGE              13   HARBOUR             78   SHEET          167,178
BULB                14   HELMET              79   SHIP       168,179,206
CAGE                15   HOLE/S  95,106,133,232   SIGNPOST           169
CANDLESTICK         16   ICE  81,96,107,134,147   SKELETON       170,180
CANYON           17,54   IDOL                82   SLAB ROOM          171
CASE               227   INLET               97   SNAKE/S        172,181
CAULDRON            19   J4                  98   SNEER              173
CAVE/S    20,55,85,101   INSCRPN 99,108,135,148   SORCERY            207
CELLS               21   ISIS               100   STALACTITES    183,208
CELLAR              22   ISLAND         109,233   STALAGMITES        184
CHARYBDIS        23,56   LABORATORY         110   STARS              185
CHASM               24   LAMP           111,137   STONE              186
CHIMING             25   LAST POINT         112   STONE LIONS    187,209
CLIFF/S          26,57   LIBRARY            113   SWIM       188,210,221
CRUSHED          27,58   LODESTONE ROOM 114,138   THIRST             189
CURRENTS            28   MANACLES           115   TOLL HOLE  190,211,222
DARK PASSAGE       229   MAP            116,139   TOMB ROOM          191
DESERT        30,59,86   MARBLE SLIDE       117   TORCHES            192
DINGHY    31,60,87,102   MAZE           118,226   TRACKS             212
           132,146,204   MINE   119,141,149,152   TRAILS             193
DINING ROOM         32   MINK COAT  120,142,150   TREASURE/S 140,194,213
DISC/S        33,61,88   MOSAICS            121                  223,228
DUNGEONS         34,62   MUMMY              122   UKREN              195
DWELLINGS        35,63   MUSHROOM   123,143,151   VOICE          197,215
EXAKCIP          36,64   NERKY              124   WALL/S 198,216,217,225
FARMHOUSE           37   NEST               125   WELL               199
FIRE               230   NINGY ROOM     126,144   WHITE FLAG         200
FISSURE/S        39,65   OBJECTS            127   WINE           201,218
FLEDGLINGS       40,66   ODD                128   WINGD SERPENTS 202,219
FLOE                41   PIRATES        129,145   WIZARD   1,18,29,38,80
FOOD                67   PLANT              130           90,136,196,214
FOREST    42,68,89,103   PIT                131   ZOOGE              203
FREEZING TO DEATH   43   POCKETS            153
FRONT DOOR       44,69   PRISON             154

  1  How do I prevent the ******'s front door from closing?           31
  2  What is the significance of the inscription?                     33
  3  What do I do at the ***** of Ra?                                 84
  4  How do I get past the wizard's **** ****?                       155
  5  How do I avoid bumping into the ******?                         147
  6  Why does an invisible ******* block my way?                      93
  7  How do I avoid being killed by the adult ****?                  134
  8  What is in the ship with the ***** ****?                        122
  9  What do I do in the cave with a faint impression of *****
     ***** and sorcery?                                               48
 10  What does "BLEI AMEDI" mean?                                     73
 11  How do I get hold of the alchemist's ****?                      149
 12  How do I get the wine out of the *******?                        89
 13  How do I get across the ****** safely?                          142
 14  How do I get a new **** for my lamp?                            101
 15  How do I open the **** safely?                                  151
 16  How do I get the bronze ***********?                             83
 17  How do I climb the walls of the desert ******?                   65
 18  How do I open the ******'s front door?                           32
 19  How do I get hold of the wizard's ********?                      36
 20  How do I swim out of the **** again safely?                     143
 21  How do I get out of the ***** in the wizard's dungeons?          11
 22  How do I get the case of wine out of the ******?                 88
 23  What is *********?                                              111
 24  How do I get across the *****?                                   30
 25  Why is something ******* nearby?                                 35
 26  How do I get down the *****?                                     50
 27  How do I avoid being ******* by the giant?                       29
 28  How do I successfully negotiate the ********?                    75
 29  How do I get past the ******'s back door?                       155
 30  How do I climb the walls of the ****** canyon?                   65
 31  How do I get inot the ******?                                    52
 32  How do I get the food from the wizard's *******s?                34
 33  How do I carry more than one stone **** at a time?              161
 34  How do I get out of the cells in the wizard's *******s?          11
 35  How do I get down from the cliff?                               140
 36  What does "*******" mean?                                       102
 37  What is the ********* for?                                        7
 38  How do I avoid dying when I go thrugh the ******'s back door?   156
 39  How do I get across the *******?                                 17
 40  How do I avoid being killed by the **********?                  150
 41  How do I stop the ice **** melting underneath me?               157
 42  What do I do in the enchanted ******?                             2
 43  How do I avoid ******** ** ***** in the ice area?                27
 44  How do I prevent the wizard's ***** **** from closing?           31
 45  What do I do with the *********?                                 60
 46  How do I get out of the area near the **** of Isis?             126
 47  How do I get past the *****?                                     21
 48  How do I win the *********'s combat?                            164
 49  How do I get past the ***** sheet?                               56
 50  What is the significance of the ******* walls?                  132
 51  How do I avoid losing treasure at the *****?                    130
 52  How do I avoid dying when I go through the wizard's **** ****?  156
 53  At the edge of the ****** pit, how do I get back safely?        148
 54  What is the significance of the fissures in the desert ******
     which look like giant handwriting?                               70
 55  Is there anything in the ****s on the island?                   118
 56  How do I avoid *********?                                       113
 57  How do I climb the *****s?                                       61
 58  How do I avoid being ******* by the things I'm carrying?         74
 59  How do I get out of the ******?                                  63
 60  How do I sail the ******?                                        53
 61  How do I stop the stone ****s exploding?                        162
 62  How do I get out of the wizard's *******s?                       96
 63  How do I get up to the cliff *********?                         141
 64  What does "*******" do?                                         103
 65  What is the significance of the *******s in the desert canyon
     which look like giant handwriting?                               70
 66  How do I get out of the area near the **********?               152
 67  How do I get the **** from the wizard's dining room?             34
 68  How do I get out of the enchanted ******?                         3
 69  How do I open the wizard's ***** ****?                           32
 70  How do I avoid being crushed by the *****?                       29
 71  What is the significance of the inscription on the ***** sheet?  55
 72  Why does the ***** keep running away?                            38
 73  How do I get into the **********?                                94
 74  What is a *********?                                             28
 75  What do I do in *****?                                           49
 76  How do I get out of the **** ** *******?                         90
 77  What is the significance of the fissures in the desert canyon
     which look like giant ***********?                               70
 78  How do I swim in the ******?                                     26
 79  How do I turn the ****** off?                                   125
 80  How do I get out of the ******'s dungeons?                       96
 81  How do I avoid freezing to death in the *** area?                27
 82  How do I stop the **** killing me?                              139
 83  How do I recover treasure lost at the *****?                    131
 84  How do I get hold of the ****s in the library?                  136
 85  What do I do in the **** with a faint impression of black 
     magic and sorcery?                                               48
 86  What is the significance of the fissures in the ****** canyon
     which look like giant handwriting?                               70
 87  How do I steer the *****?                                        54
 88  How do I get out of the area with the stone ****s?              163
 89  What do I do in the ordinary ******?                              4
 90  How do I get out of the cells in the ******'s dungeons?          11
 91  How do I catch the *****?                                        39
 92  How do I take the ********* safely?                              85
 93  How do I get out of *****?                                      108
 94  How do I get hold of the treasure in the **** of *******?        91
 95  How do I get past the toll **** without paying?                  12
 96  How do I avoid the melting *** passages?                         44
 97  How do I get into the ***** safely?                             115
 98  What does "**" mean?                                             23
 99  What is the significance of the *********** beyond the west 
     alcove of the slab room?                                         33
100  How do I get out of the area near the Gate of ****?             126
101  How do I get into the cave?                                       1
102  How do I survive the ****** crash?                               76
103  How do I get out of the ordinary ******?                          5
104  How do I let the ***** out of prison?                            46
105  How do I navigate in the **** ** *******?                        92
106  How do I recover things I've dropped down the toll ****?         13
107  In the *** passage where I see another *** passage below me, 
     how do I get into this other passage?                            86
108  What do the ***********s on the signpost mean?                   40
109  Is there anything in the caves on the ******?                   118
110  How do I get through the wizard's **********?                    37
111  How do I recharge my ****?                                      100
112  How do I get the **** ***** in the game?                        165
113  How do I get hold of the books in the *******?                  136
114  How do I control the direction in which I leave the *********
     ****?                                                            47
115  How do I get out of the ********?                                 9
116  How do I *** mazes and other areas where every location looks 
     the same?                                                        10
117  How do I get back up the ****** *****?                           14
118  How do I map ****s and other areas where every location looks
     the same?                                                        10
119  How do I go down the ****?                                        6
120  How do I get hold of the **** **** safely?                       19
121  How do I get the ******* out?                                    59
122  How do I get past the *****?                                     82
123  Can I do anything useful with the ********?                      79
124  What does "*****" mean?                                          97
125  How do I climb out of the ****?                                 135
126  Why am I sneered at when I leave the ***** ****?                 16
127  How can I locate ******* in the mine reliably?                   41
128  What is the significance of the *** walls that various places
     have?                                                             8
129  How do I survive the *******' visit?                            119
130  How do I prevent the ***** from strangling me?                   95
131  At the edge of the balrog ***, how do I get back safely?        148
132  How do I stop the ****** crashing into the reef?                 77
133  What use is the toll ****?                                       99
134  How do I stop the *** floe melting underneath me?               157
135  What is the significance of the *********** on the glass sheet?  55
136  How do I get through the ******'s laboratory?                    37
137  How do I get a new bulb for my ****?                            101
138  How do I get back to the mine from the ********* ****?           42
139  How do I *** the lower levels of the mine?                       15
140  How do I get hold of the ******** in the Hall of Mirrors?        91
141  How do I map the lower levels of the ****?                       15
142  How do I stop the **** **** being eaten?                         20
143  What do I do with the ********?                                  80
144  What do I do with the holes in the east wall of the ***** ****?  22
145  What are the ******* doing when they are ashore?                121
146  What do I do while the ****** is sailing?                        78
147  What is the significance of the scented *** tracks?             158
148  What is the significance of the *********** in the Slab Room?    58
149  How can I locate objects in the **** reliably?                   41
150  Why are the pockets of the **** **** bulging?                    24
151  How do I control the ********?                                   81
152  How do I get back to the **** from the lodestone room?           42
153  Why are the ******* of the mink coat bulging?                    24
154  How do I let the giant out of ******?                            46
155  In the small room below the *******, how do I go along the dark 
     passage to the east safely?                                     124
156  What do I do in the *********?                                   62
157  How do I get through the ****?                                  114
158  How do I get the ********* ******** out?                        109
159  How do I get past the *********?                                 67
160  How do I get onto the dark *****?                               117
161  How do I close the **** safely?                                  25
162  Where is the **** for the dinghy?                                64
163  How do I get the palladium ******?                              105
164  What is the significance of the *****ed ice tracks?             158
165  What is ******?                                                 110
166  How far away is the furthest interesting feature in the ***?    116
167  How do I get past the glass *****?                               56
168  How do I attract the attention of a ****?                       120
169  What do the inscriptions on the ******** mean?                   40
170  Why won't the ******** let me out?                              106
171  What is the significance of the inscription beyond the west 
     alcove of the **** ****?                                         33
172  How do I get out of the ***** maze safely?                      133
173  Why am I *****ed at when I leave the ningy room?                 16
174  How do I stop the dinghy crashing into the ****?                 77
175  What is the booming voice at the **** talking about?             71
176  How do I avoid ******?                                          112
177  How do I swim in the ***?                                        51
178  What is the significance of the inscription on the glass *****?  55
179  What is in the **** with the black flag?                        122
180  How do I get past the ******** with all my treasure?            107
181  How do I avoid being killed by *****s?                          128
182  How do I kill ******?                                           144
183  How do I get back up the ***********?                           127
184  How do I take the ***********?                                   69
185  What are the ***** for?                                          57
186  Why did the ***** make a noise?                                  87
187  Why do the ***** ***** kill me?                                 137
188  How do I **** in the harbour?                                    26
189  How do I avoid dying of ******?                                  66
190  How do I get past the **** **** without paying?                  12
191  What use is the **** ****?                                       72
192  How do I get hold of the *******?                                18
193  What is responsible for the sinuous ******?                     129
194  Why was the voice at the safe dubious about one of my
     ********s?                                                      160
195  What does "*****" mean?                                          98
196  How do I get hold of the ******'s cauldron?                      36
197  What is the booming ***** at the safe talking about?             71
198  What do I do with the holes in the east **** of the ningy room?  22
199  How do I go down the ****?                                      104
200  What is in the ship with the ***** ****?                        123
201  How do I get the **** out of the bottles?                        89
202  How do I get out of the area near the ****** ********?          153
203  What does "*****" mean?                                          43
204  Where is the sail for the ******?                                64
205  How do I open the **** safely?                                  159
206  What is in the **** with the white flag?                        123
207  What do I do in the cave with a faint impression of black magic
     and *******?                                                     48
208  How do I take the stalactites?                                   68
209  How do I avoid being killed by the ***** *****?                 138
210  How do I **** in the sea?                                        51
211  How do I recover things I've dropped down the **** ****?         13
212  What is the significance of the scented ice ******?             158
213  How do I avoid losing ******** at the altar?                    130
214  How do I get the food from the ******'s dining room?             34
215  Why was the ***** at the safe dubious about one of my
     treasures?                                                      160
216  What is the significance of the odd ***** that various places
     have?                                                             8
217  What is the significance of the glowing *****?                  132
218  How do I get the case of **** out of the cellar?                 88
219  How do I avoid being killed by the ****** ********?             154
220  Why was the voice at the **** dubious about one of my
     treasures?                                                      160
221  How do I **** out of the cave again safely?                     143
222  What use is the **** ****?                                       99
223  How do I recover ******** lost at the altar?                    131
224  How do I get hold of te *********'s book?                       149
225  How do I climb the ***** of the desert canyon?                   65
226  How do I get out of the snake **** safely?                      133
227  How do I get the **** of wine out of the cellar?                 88
228  How do I get past the skeleton with all my ********?            107
229  In the small room below the pyramid, how do I go along the
     **** ******* to the east safely?                                124
230  How do I light a ****?                                          146
231  How do I get back from beyond the *****?                         45
232  What do I do with the ****s in the east wall of the ningy room?  22
233  How do I get off the ******?                                    145


Cover Art Language(s): English
Compatibility: Acorn Electron
Release: Professionally released On 5.25" Disc
Original Release Date: 15th Jul 1990
Links: Everygamegoing,

Cover Art

Front Inlay Images

Media Scan Images


Acheton (5.25" Disc)